2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 2: LSE A vs. Southampton A

Southampton A


Christian Sherrington1010
Cormac Stephenson3220
Zayyan Mahmood000
Zosia Mikolajczuk000
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)



Albert Ying Zhi Nyang7070
Andre Wong1010
Andy Huff1010
Cormac Beirne7165
16 bonuses for 280 points (17.5 PPB)

Christian SherringtonCormac StephensonZayyan MahmoodZosia MikolajczukBonusesTotalTUAlbert Ying Zhi NyangAndre WongAndy HuffCormac BeirneBonusesTotal
0110 800101030
0210 81100050
10 880101030350
10 8501010604-5 5345
-5 2855510 1221001075
55610 6910100105
10 1131000757105
75810 6101010135
75910 980100155
751010 5501010185
751110 7010100215
751210 9210100245
751310 5410010275
751410 510010295
751510 6110100325
751610 5410010355
751710 6910100385
751810 130000395
10 960008519395
-5 61802010 105101010435
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text