
Adherents of a conservative religious sect among these people were called Doppers. In traditional historiography, these people’s religious alignment with the anti-Enlightenment Calvinist schismatic Abraham Kuyper led to their self-identification as a “chosen people.” A massacre of these people (10[1])near Weenen led (-5[1])to a battle commemorated by the defunct ethnoreligious “Day of the Vow” holiday; that battle is the Battle of Blood (10[1])River. (10[2])A planned uprising against these people resulted in the failed Jameson Raid, (10[1])which caused (10[1])the resignation of Cecil Rhodes. Paul Kruger led one country of these (10[1])people, who migrated inland on wagon trains (10[1])during the Great Trek. For 10 points, the Orange Free State and (10[1])the Transvaal were republics of what descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Boers [or Boervolk or Trekboers or Voortrekkers; accept Afrikaners or Afrikaner Calvinism; accept Boer Republics; prompt on Dutch people until read; prompt on white South Africans or equivalents]
<World History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Matthew TurnerOxford BBirmingham3810
Lovel HearnEdinburghDurham A41-5
Josh HowarthWarwick BImperial B6110
Justin LeeImperial ABristol B6210
Omer KeskinOxford ATeam 16210
Lucas JohnsWarwick ABristol A7410
Henry JamesonLSE BCambridge C7610
Christian SherringtonSouthampton ALSE A8810
Piers MarchantCambridge DDurham B9510
Ben LaFondCambridge BSouthampton B10710
Tom HainesDurham AEdinburgh12110
Zayyan MahmoodSouthampton ASouthampton B13610