
Adherents of a conservative religious sect among these people were called Doppers. In traditional historiography, these people’s religious alignment with the anti-Enlightenment Calvinist schismatic Abraham Kuyper led to their self-identification as a “chosen people.” A massacre of these people near Weenen led to a battle commemorated by the defunct ethnoreligious “Day of the Vow” holiday; that battle is the Battle of Blood River. (-5[3])A planned uprising (-5[1])against (-5[1])these people resulted in the failed Jameson Raid, which caused the resignation of Cecil Rhodes. Paul Kruger led one country (10[1])of these people, who migrated inland on wagon trains during (10[1])the Great (10[1])Trek. (-5[1])For 10 points, the (10[1])Orange Free State and the Transvaal were republics of what descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa? (10[1])■END■ (10[4]0[1])

ANSWER: Boers [or Boervolk or Trekboers or Voortrekkers; accept Afrikaners or Afrikaner Calvinism; accept Boer Republics; prompt on Dutch people until read; prompt on white South Africans or equivalents]
<World History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Liam StarnesUChicago BSIUE A62-5
Arthur GaydenUChicago AUIUC C62-5
Stephen WalshNorthwestern AWashU C62-5
Yash MandaviaUIUC BPurdue A65-5
Akshar GoyalUIUC AIndiana A66-5
Sam McNameeNotre DameWashU D8610
Sam KonkelUChicago CWashU B9610
Sam HewittWashU CNorthwestern A9810
Davis JohnsonPurdue DIndiana B99-5
Justin HawkinsIndiana AUIUC A10310
Nitin MurthyPurdue AUIUC B12010
Nermeen RahmanIndiana BPurdue D12110
Logan MathisSIUE AUChicago B12110
Carter HerronUChicago DUIUC D12110
Anila MoparthyUIUC DUChicago D1210
Jisoo ParkUIUC CUChicago A12110