
Indium antimonide nanowires were connected to a gold contact and a material with this property in a 2012 experiment to produce Majorana (“ma-yo-RA-na”) zero modes. Materials with this property contain Bogoliubov quasiparticles. (10[1])Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (10[1])discovered that this property occurs with a twist angle of 1.1 degrees in bilayer (10[1])graphene. Two materials with this property are joined by a weak link in a Josephson (10[1])junction. Unlike the retracted LK99, YBCO (10[2])is a material (10[2])that displays this property at a relatively high temperature. (10[1])In BCS theory, this property results from the interaction between (10[1])electrons and phonons, causing electrons to form Cooper pairs. Materials with this property expel magnetic fields (10[1])in the Meissner effect. For 10 points, name this property of materials with zero resistance. ■END■

ANSWER: superconductivity [or superconductors]
= Average correct buzz position

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