
Indium antimonide nanowires were connected to a gold contact and a material with this property in a 2012 experiment to produce Majorana (“ma-yo-RA-na”) zero modes. Materials with this property contain Bogoliubov quasiparticles. Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (10[1])discovered that this property occurs with a twist angle of 1.1 degrees in bilayer graphene. (10[2])Two materials with this property are joined by a weak link in a Josephson junction. Unlike the retracted LK99, YBCO is a material that displays this property at a relatively high temperature. In BCS theory, this property results from the interaction between electrons and phonons, causing electrons to form Cooper pairs. Materials with this property expel magnetic fields in the Meissner effect. For 10 points, name this property of materials with zero resistance. ■END■

ANSWER: superconductivity [or superconductors]
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Swapnil GargBerkeley ABerkeley C3210
Rohan ShelkeBerkeley BStanford A4710
Michal GerasimiukStanford MStanford L4710