
Pax genes like Pax6, which helps direct eye formation, are part of a “gene toolkit” partially named for this area of study. For 10 points each:
[10e] Processes like morphology and embryogenesis are studied in what field of biology concerned with how organisms grow? A related field combines this discipline with evolution.
ANSWER: developmental biology [accept evolutionary developmental biology or evo-devo]
[10m] These model organisms are commonly used to study development because their embryos are transparent, as are the adults of their Casper strain. These regenerative organisms are named for the stripes on their body.
ANSWER: zebrafish [or D. rerio or Danio rerio]
[10h] Zebrafish transparency allows for whole-brain studies with this nonlinear imaging technique. Femtosecond pulse lasers produce a pair of infrared excitation wavelengths [emphasize] longer than emitted wavelengths in this technique, which can only image fluorescence.
ANSWER: two-photon excitation microscopy [or TPEF or 2PEF]

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