2024 ACF Nationals

Round 15: Minnesota A vs. Waterloo A

Waterloo A


Liam Kusalik4040
Michael Du2210
Jared He2020
Mattias Ehatamm3030
11 bonuses for 170 points (15.45 PPB)

Minnesota A


Shardul Rao115
Joel Miles4040
Ethan Ashbrook115
Ben Weiner01-5
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Liam KusalikMichael DuJared HeMattias EhatammBonusesTotalTUShardul RaoJoel MilesEthan AshbrookBen WeinerBonusesTotal
10 70101003010
10 114101006020
10 1260100803-5 64-5
80410 135010015
80510 158010035
10 1330100100635
-5 8495710 132001055
95810 931001085
-5 12390910 12801010115
10 1111010012010115
10 101001014011115
1401310 12510100145
14014-5 86140
10 1331010017015140
10 140001019016140
10 131010021017140
10 130100023019-5 112135
10 6110101027020135
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text