
The isomers eoxin (“ee-OX-in”) A4 and leukotriene (“leuko-TRY-een”) A4 bear this group before it is removed by coupling to glutathione (“gluta-THIGH-own”). Rifampin indirectly increases carbamazepine (“car-buh-MAY-zuh-peen”) activity by promoting the addition of this group, while grapefruit has the opposite effect. Post-translational modification by gamma-glutamyl carboxylase (“carboxy-lase”) adds this group to (10[1])its cofactor, which must be removed by the VKOR (“V-kor”) complex. The addition (10[1])of this group to aflatoxin (“afla-toxin”) enables it to cause liver damage. (10[2]-5[1])The ability (10[1])of PAHs (“P-A-H’s”) to cause (10[1])transitions and transversions is attributed to the addition of this functional group by cytochrome (-5[1])P450s, (10[1])which may be followed by hydrolysis to form a (-5[1])vicinal diol (10[1]-5[1])(“VISS-ih-null DYE-ol”). The C-3 (10[1])hydroxyl (10[1])of sterols derives from one of these functional groups added to a double bond by squalene (10[1])monooxygenase (“mono-oxygen-ace”). For 10 points, name this reactive group consisting of a three-membered (10[1])ether (10[2])ring. (10[3])■END■ (10[5]0[2])

ANSWER: epoxides (“ee-POCK-sydes”) [or epoxy; or oxiranes; prompt on cyclic ethers until “ether” is read]
= Average correct buzz position

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2024 ACF Nationals2024-04-21Y2492%0%17%106.23


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Moses KitakuleColumbia AIndiana4410
Andrew WangIllinoisToronto A5610
Jason HongBrownMichigan6710
Allan LeeStanfordChicago A67-5
Matthew LehmannWUSTL ATexas6710
Andrew HannaPennWUSTL B6910
Matt SchiavonePurdueCornell A7310
Kevin ParkClaremont CollegesVirginia87-5
Bryan UgazArizona StateRutgers8810
Yashodev VyasMinnesota BKentucky97-5
Shahar SchwartzBerkeley AMaryland9910
Rasheeq AzadNorth Carolina BTruman State99-5
Nikhil ChellamNorthwesternYale A10110
Rohan ShelkeBerkeley BMcGill10210
Drew WetterlindIowa StateNYU11810
Jeffrey FungHarvardSouth Carolina13010
Vincent DuNorth Carolina AChicago B13110
Justin ZhangDukeFlorida13110
Aidan FeinVanderbiltCornell B13210
Adam FineChicago AStanford13210
Derek ChenColumbia BYale B13210
Ezra SantosChicago DChicago C13310
Kenny ZhangVirginiaClaremont Colleges13310
Jonathan LauJohns HopkinsGeorgia Tech13310
Andrew EllisKentuckyMinnesota B1330
Fred GarveyTruman StateNorth Carolina B1330
Jason ZhangToronto BOttawa13310
Liam KusalikWaterlooMinnesota A13310