2024 ACF Nationals

Round 15: Columbia A vs. Indiana A

Indiana A


Jakob Myers3410
Justin Hawkins000
Danila Kabotyanski4040
Alex Akridge1010
8 bonuses for 130 points (16.25 PPB)

Columbia A


Cooper Roh1010
Forrest Weintraub6060
Geoffrey Wu01-5
Moses Kitakule3030
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

Jakob MyersJustin HawkinsDanila KabotyanskiAlex AkridgeBonusesTotalTUCooper RohForrest WeintraubGeoffrey WuMoses KitakuleBonusesTotal
10 103101003010
30210 1181010030
10 1280100503-5 3925
10 1231010080425
10 1380100100525
100610 440101055
100710 8000065
100810 109101010105
-5 6895910 1280010125
951010 880100145
10 96010011511145
-5 123110120 147145
-5 991051310 12810100175
0 122105140 122175
10 61010012515175
-5 1081201610 1400010195
1201710 7101010225
1201810 67000235
10 6310101016019235
10 891001019020235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text