2024 ACF Nationals

Round 15: Duke A vs. Florida A

Duke A


Justin Zhang3030
Aditya Sharma000
Simon Gorbaty02-10
Ashish Subramanian6155
9 bonuses for 100 points (11.11 PPB)

Florida A


Tiffany Zhou3030
Graham Cope2020
Hayden Prather01-5
5 bonuses for 30 points (6 PPB)

Justin ZhangAditya SharmaSimon GorbatyAshish SubramanianBonusesTotalTUTiffany ZhouGraham CopeHayden PratherBonusesTotal
10 103101003010
10 148101006020 1480
-5 10955310 127010020
-5 1085040 14420
10 119010070520
10 131010090620
10 110000100720
100810 10500030
0 12810090 12830
1001010 11100040
10 13400101201140
0 14712012-5 14535
10 12701001401335
10 12100101601435
160150 14335
-5 1361551610 139010055
1551710 99010075
0 135155180 13575
10 11700101751975
0 136175200 13675
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text