2024 ACF Nationals

Round 13: Stanford A vs. WUSTL A

Stanford A


Tim Morrison2115
Andrew Zeng1010
Michal Gerasimiuk115
Allan Lee3030
7 bonuses for 110 points (15.71 PPB)



Charles Hang5145
Annabelle Yang1010
Matthew Lehmann6250
Paul Lee1010
13 bonuses for 170 points (13.08 PPB)

Tim MorrisonAndrew ZengMichal GerasimiukAllan LeeBonusesTotalTUCharles HangAnnabelle YangMatthew LehmannPaul LeeBonusesTotal
0110 1191010030
0210 82001050
10 1340100203-5 5045
20410 11300055
10 1401000405-5 7450
40610 149010070
40710 93100090
40810 1341000110
10 11110010709110
10 11201009010110
-5 89851110 13310010140
10 132001010512-5 71135
10 1561001013513135
1351410 5201010165
1351510 107101010205
1351610 1231000225
10 6510101017517225
-5 811701810 1420010245
1701910 671000265
1702010 810100285
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text