
The mu(I) (“myoo-one”) rheology describes the flow of these systems in a similar manner to that of complex fluids. For 10 points each:
[10m] In the Brazil nut effect, large particles tend to rise up through what systems? They are composed of many small macroscopic particles.
ANSWER: granular systems [or granular flows; prompt on grains; prompt on examples of granular systems, such as sand]
[10e] The Brazil nut effect is often called the granular version of this process, in which density or temperature differences cause motion via “currents” or “cells” within a fluid.
ANSWER: convection [or word forms of convecting; accept granular convection or convection currents or convection cells]
[10h] In a 2008 paper, Rietz and Stannarius studied granular convection for low values of this number, which exceeds one for a supercritical flow. It equals velocity over the square root of the product of little g and a length scale.
ANSWER: Froude (“frood”) number [or Fr]

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Berkeley BCornell B010010
Minnesota BChicago C010010
Chicago DMcGill0000
Claremont CollegesToronto B010010
Columbia BArizona State010010
Yale BFlorida010010
Georgia TechBerkeley A0101020
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Iowa StateMaryland010010
Johns HopkinsNorthwestern010010
Truman StateKentucky0000
Chicago BMinnesota A010010
North Carolina APurdue1010020
North Carolina BSouth Carolina010010
WUSTL AStanford010010
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VirginiaWUSTL B010010
WaterlooColumbia A1010020
Yale AToronto A010010