
A band who faced backlash over their outspoken opposition to the Iraq War dropped this word from their stage name in 2020. For 10 points each:
[10e] Identify this word used as a prefix for the States’ Rights Democratic Party led by Strom Thurmond, which carried four states in the Deep South in the 1948 election.
ANSWER: Dixie [accept Dixiecrats; accept Dixie Chicks]
[10m] The Chicks’ decision to remove “Dixie” from their name was announced in the protest song “March March,” devised after they attended this demonstration. It coordinated with the Everytown organization.
ANSWER: March for Our Lives [or MFOL]
[10h] This filmmaker documented The Chicks’ Iraq War backlash in Shut Up and Sing. A 1976 documentary by this filmmaker features bluegrass music by Hazel Dickens as well as Florence Reece’s protest song “Which Side Are You On?”
ANSWER: Barbara Kopple (The second documentary is Harlan County, USA.)
<American History>

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