2024 ACF Nationals

Round 9: Toronto B vs. WUSTL B



Neal Joshi4135
Jeremy Cummings3220
Amith Punyala4040
11 bonuses for 130 points (11.82 PPB)

Toronto B


Marcus Forbes-Green115
Ben Wismath2020
Jason Zhang000
Joey Sun3125
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Neal JoshiJeremy CummingsAmith PunyalaBonusesTotalTUMarcus Forbes-GreenBen WismathJason ZhangJoey SunBonusesTotal
10 1361000201-5 95-5
10 13710100502-5
10 133000603-5
10 1320100804-5 58-10
-5 6775510 1340101020
75610 1191010050
10 8500085750
0 1328580 13250
10 153101001151050
-5 441101110 133010070
10 10010001301270
1301310 125010090
10 13701001501490
10 130101001801590
10 68100102101690
2101710 152000100
10 96010023018100
-5 109225190 127100
2252010 1030010120
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text