
A 2018 production of this opera had the main character enter in a gorilla suit. María Pagés’s (“pah-HESS’s”) dance adaptation of this opera adds the word “Yo” to the title. Near the end of this opera’s prelude, (-5[1])a slow section states the following motif over tremolo D minor triads: [read slowly] “long D, [pause] C-sharp, B-flat, C-sharp, A,” followed by two soft timpani strokes. (10[1])This opera’s music was arranged into a percussion-heavy one-act (10[1])ballet by Rodion (10[2])Shchedrin (“shed-REEN”). The Hammerstein song (10[1])“Stan’ Up an’ Fight” is in an all-Black musical based (10[1])on (10[2])this opera, whose 1954 film version stars (10[1])Harry Belafonte and Dorothy Dandridge. During this opera’s closing duet “C’est toi? C’est moi!” (10[1])(“seh twah? seh mwah!”), the title character (10[1])returns a (10[1])ring to her (10[1])former lover, who then stabs her. For (10[2])10 points, name this French opera (10[1])that ends at a bullfight. (10[4])■END■ (10[4])

ANSWER: Carmen [accept Carmen Jones; accept Carmen Suite or Karmén-syuíta; accept Yo, Carmen or I, Carmen]
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2024 ACF Nationals2024-04-21Y24100%0%4%110.42


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jim FanNorth Carolina AStanford35-5
Eve FleisigBerkeley AJohns Hopkins6210
Sky LiToronto ANYU7110
Richard NiuCornell AWUSTL A7410
Chris SimsNorthwesternIowa State7410
Justin WytmarIllinoisMaryland7810
Matthew SiffYale AMichigan8810
Matt JacksonChicago AWaterloo8910
Ben WeinerMinnesota ATexas8910
Ivvone ZhouNorth Carolina BHarvard9610
Forrest WeintraubColumbia APurdue11010
Michal GerasimiukStanfordNorth Carolina A11310
Megan WangBrownGeorgia Tech11510
Aum MundheRutgersColumbia B11810
Ryan SunBerkeley BMinnesota B12510
Tiffany ZhouFloridaPenn12510
Jakob MyersIndianaChicago B13110
Karthik PrasadCornell BChicago D13610
Dean Ah NowClaremont CollegesYale B13610
Nicolas EdwardsMcGillTruman State13610
Joseph ChambersVirginiaDuke13610
Ishan JoshiOttawaArizona State13710
Dennis ReppenChicago CSouth Carolina13710
Alan WuVanderbiltKentucky13710
Amith PunyalaWUSTL BToronto B13710