2024 ACF Nationals

Round 8: Kentucky A vs. North Carolina A

Kentucky A


Cory Smith000
Andrew Kelley5240
Andrew Ellis000
5 bonuses for 50 points (10 PPB)

North Carolina A


Vincent Du6060
Jim Fan4135
Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford115
Jonathan Shauf2115
13 bonuses for 210 points (16.15 PPB)

Cory SmithAndrew KelleyAndrew EllisBonusesTotalTUVincent DuJim FanBenjamin McAvoy-BickfordJonathan ShaufBonusesTotal
0110 119010020
10 106010020220
20310 1221010050
20410 1291001080
10 13001010505-5 8075
50610 9101010105
50710 10510010135
10 123000608135
-5 575590 149135
551010 8701010165
10 10800107511165
751210 1320010185
751310 13010010215
751410 890010235
10 12600109515-5 53230
0 1409516-5 124225
-5 79901710 134101010265
901810 1231000285
901910 1241000305
902010 890100325
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text