
In the Dīgha Nikāya, Ajātashatru reports weak arguments for becoming these people from six non-Buddhist sects. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these heterodox schools condemned by early Buddhist texts. These ascetics, including the materialist Chārvākas and determinist Ājīvikas (“AH-jee-vih-kahs”), became distinct from the sannyasa ashram of Brahmanic householders.
ANSWER: śramaṇas (“SHRUM-uh-nuh’s”) [or samaṇas, shramaṇas, Śramaṇism, or shāmén; accept paribbājakās or parivrājakas; accept Samaññaphala Sutta; prompt on bhikṣuṇī or bhikkhunī; prompt on sādhu, saddhu, sādhvīne, muṇi, nirgrantha, or aryika]
[10m] Jaina and Ājīvika śramaṇas (“SHRUM-uh-nuh’s”) may have shared a common canon of these texts, which include the 14 lost Purvas and 12 Angās. Four early Buddhist texts with this name are the Chinese canon’s equivalent of the Nikāyas.
ANSWER: Āgamas [accept Jain Āgamas or Ṣaṭkhaṅḍāgama; prompt on Jain sūtras or Jain suttas or Jain shrut]
[10e] The Uttaradhyayana Sutra says that good acts, like this vow, make one a śramaṇa. Jainism’s primary vows are truth, non-stealing, non-attachment, ahimsa, and this vow also taken by Catholic priests.
ANSWER: chastity [or word forms of chaste; accept celibacy, celibate, abstinence, abstinent, virginity, sexual restraint, or equivalents of any; accept bachelorhood, unmarried, single, or equivalents]

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