
Answer the following about the neuroethology of escape, for 10 points each.
[10e] These animals have enormous synapses in their stellate ganglia. Hodgkin and Huxley discovered action potentials in the giant axons of these animals, which innervate the mantle during jet propulsion.
ANSWER: squid [or Decapodiformes; accept cuttlefish; accept specific squid species; prompt on cephalopods, Cephalopoda, mollusks, or Mollusca; reject “octopus”]
[10m] Description acceptable. The teleost (“TEE-lee-ost”) C-start reflex uses the two Mauthner cells, which have these relative positions to each other. The withdrawal reflex in humans is paired with an extensor response in this position.
ANSWER: on opposite sides of the body [or opposite sides of the midline; accept contralateral; accept crossed extensor reflex; accept descriptions of being across the sagittal plane or across the longitudinal plane; prompt on lateral or on the sides]
[10h] The lateral giant interneuron mediating this response in crayfish is a true command neuron and has the first observed electrical synapse. Holding a lobster by the shell represses this escape response, in which the tail is flexed to propel a crustacean backwards.
ANSWER: caridoid (“CARRY-doid”) escape reaction [prompt on lobstering or tail-flipping; reject “cardioid”]

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