2024 ACF Nationals

Round 8: Claremont Colleges A vs. McGill A

Claremont Colleges A


Kevin Park5050
Dean Ah Now5050
Akshay Seetharam1010
11 bonuses for 140 points (12.73 PPB)

McGill A


Nicolas Edwards2020
Sam Baker4040
Asha Basu1010
Nadia Dakdouki000
7 bonuses for 90 points (12.86 PPB)

Kevin ParkDean Ah NowAkshay SeetharamBonusesTotalTUNicolas EdwardsSam BakerAsha BasuNadia DakdoukiBonusesTotal
10 1200001010
10 6701003020
30310 118010020
10 1401001060420
60510 109010040
10 87010080640
80710 132100060
10 1230100100860
0 149100910 149010080
10 8900101201080
10 132010101501180
10 13410001701280
170130 13780
10 102010102001480
2001510 1041000100
10 1400101023016100
2301710 11310100130
0 125230180 125130
10 124100025019130
2502010 13801010160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text