2024 ACF Nationals

Round 4: UC Berkeley B vs. Florida A

UC Berkeley B


Anuttam Ramji4135
Ryan Sun3030
Rohan Shelke2020
9 bonuses for 80 points (8.89 PPB)

Florida A


Graham Cope4040
Hayden Prather1010
Tiffany Zhou3030
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Anuttam RamjiRyan SunRohan ShelkeBonusesTotalTUGraham CopeHayden PratherTiffany ZhouBonusesTotal
10 1460001010
0 1311020 1310
10 1140002030
20410 1161001030
-5 10015510 1291001060
0 1501560 15060
10 1141001045760
45810 1201001090
0 14545910 145000100
451010 780100120
45110 134120
10 12701006512120
10 114010109513120
10 135001011514120
1151510 1310100140
1151610 1330100160
10 110010013517160
10 8900014518160
10 130001016519160
1652010 1320010180
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text