
In rare cases, this process can be induced by repetitive motions like playing the bongos or marching. A disease caused by this process can be identified with the Liley (“LYE-lee”) chart, which plots changes in optical density at 450 nanometers. This process names a disease with “cold” and “warm” types, respectively mediated by IgM (10[1])(“I-G-M”) and (10[1])IgG (“I-G-G”). In differential diagnosis, this process (10[1])is confirmed by labs with elevated LDH, decreased haptoglobin, and elevated reticulocyte (-5[1])count. This process names a “disease of the newborn” that can be identified by agglutination (10[1])in the direct Coombs test. This process can cause prehepatic (“pre-huh-PAT-ick”) jaundice by triggering autoimmune activation of the (-5[1])complement system. Rh-positive babies born (-5[1])to Rh-negative mothers experience (-5[1])this process’s namesake form of anemia. For 10 points, name this process that kills (-5[1])red blood cells (10[1]-5[2])by rupturing (10[1])their (-5[1])membranes. (10[2])■END■ (10[11]0[6])

ANSWER: hemolysis (“hee-MAWL-uh-siss”) [accept (autoimmune) hemolytic anemia or hemolytic disease of the newborn; prompt on cell lysis; prompt on anemia until read by asking “caused by what process?”; prompt on cold agglutination or autoagglutination until “agglutination” is read by asking “what process does it precede?”; prompt on alloimmunization or isoimmunization by asking “what process is triggered by the antibodies?”]
= Average correct buzz position

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2024 ACF Nationals2024-04-21Y2383%0%35%118.42


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Moses KitakuleColumbia ABrown5210
Annabelle YangWUSTL AHarvard5310
Adrian WongOttawaClaremont Colleges5910
Andrew WangIllinoisMcGill71-5
Andrew MinagarYale ATexas8610
Yashwanth BajjiMichiganBerkeley A103-5
Karthik PrasadCornell BChicago A108-5
Joseph ChambersVirginiaIowa State112-5
Rasheeq AzadNorth Carolina BWaterloo126-5
Robert CondronChicago BNYU12910
Vishal KanigicherlaPennYale B129-5
Jim FanNorth Carolina AToronto A129-5
Jason ZhangToronto BChicago D13110
Robert FreemanSouth CarolinaGeorgia Tech132-5
Tiffany ZhouFloridaBerkeley B13310
Jakob MyersIndianaKentucky13310
Shahar SchwartzBerkeley AMichigan1340
Jacky XuCornell AColumbia B13410
Derek ChenColumbia BCornell A1340
Adam FineChicago ACornell B13410
Nicolas EdwardsMcGillIllinois1340
Conor ThompsonIowa StateVirginia13410
David BassJohns HopkinsMinnesota B1340
Michael DuWaterlooNorth Carolina B13410
Jason HuangNorthwesternMaryland13410
Jem BurchYale BPenn13410
Kushal AluruRutgersDuke13410
Ashish SubramanianDukeRutgers1340
Fred GarveyTruman StateStanford13410
Raymond ChenToronto ANorth Carolina A13410
Matt SchiavonePurdueVanderbilt13410
Bryan UgazArizona StateWUSTL B13410
Amith PunyalaWUSTL BArizona State1340