In rare cases, this process can be induced by repetitive motions like playing the bongos or marching. A disease caused by this process can be identified with the Liley (“LYE-lee”) chart, which plots changes in optical density at 450 nanometers. This process names a disease with “cold” and “warm” types, respectively mediated by IgM (“I-G-M”) and IgG (“I-G-G”). In differential diagnosis, this process is confirmed by labs with elevated LDH, decreased haptoglobin, and elevated reticulocyte count. This process names a “disease of the newborn” that can be identified by agglutination in the direct Coombs test. This process can cause prehepatic (“pre-huh-PAT-ick”) jaundice by triggering autoimmune activation of the complement system. Rh-positive babies born to Rh-negative mothers experience this process’s namesake form of anemia. For 10 points, name this process that kills red blood cells by rupturing their membranes. ■END■
ANSWER: hemolysis (“hee-MAWL-uh-siss”) [accept (autoimmune) hemolytic anemia or hemolytic disease of the newborn; prompt on cell lysis; prompt on anemia until read by asking “caused by what process?”; prompt on cold agglutination or autoagglutination until “agglutination” is read by asking “what process does it precede?”; prompt on alloimmunization or isoimmunization by asking “what process is triggered by the antibodies?”]
= Average correct buzz position