2024 ARCADIA Second Open Online Mirror

Round 10: Farrellmagnetism vs. MSU A and Friend

MSU A and Friend


Robin Danko13045
Ariel Faeder10015
Aswath Karai12035
Anton Akroush01010
9 bonuses for 150 points (16.67 PPB)



Sean Farrell11025
Leo Law11025
Michael Wu0000
Daniel Ma16455
11 bonuses for 240 points (21.82 PPB)

Robin DankoAriel FaederAswath KaraiAnton AkroushBonusesTotalTUSean FarrellLeo LawMichael WuDaniel MaBonusesTotal
0110 591001030
0210 8310101070
0310 9001010100
10 117101010404-5 9895
15 69010065595
10 951000856-5 3090
15 5110010120790
120810 10710100120
120910 9301010150
1201010 810100170
1201110 9501010200
1201210 12910010230
10 791010015013230
10 131010017014-5 56225
1701515 62101010270
10 91001019016270
1901715 4501010305
15 3510101023518305
2351915 70101010350
10 126100025520-5 68345
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text