In the aftermath of this action, officials claimed that it was done to appease news crews complaining of the poor optics of a horse’s ass appearing behind a speaker’s head. For 10 points each:
[10h] Identify this action taken with a blue tarp before a February 2003 PowerPoint presentation whose first slide claimed that a country was “failing to disarm.”
ANSWER: covering the tapestry of Guernica at the United Nations headquarters
[10e] The Guernica tapestry was more likely covered to remove any antiwar messaging present while this then-Secretary of State argued for declaration of war on Iraq.
ANSWER: Colin Powell [or Colin Luther Powell]
[10m] Powell’s presentation also warned of bioterrorism plots, citing the Wood Green ricin plot targeting this system. More than 50 people died from a series of terrorist bombings against this system on July 7, 2005.
ANSWER: London Underground [accept the Tube; prompt on London; prompt on answers indicating trains or subways in London]
<HG, American History>
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