
In a poem, this figure is commanded to take Cirrha as his sanctuary before a war where he tries to “uproot trembling Delos” and hurl it into the sky. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this “king” who opposes Zeus during a war co-led with his brother, Alcyoneus. Zeus made this figure enamored with Hera before smiting him, leading this figure to be killed by an arrow shot by Apollo or Heracles.
ANSWER: Porphyrion
[10e] Porphyrion is considered the “king” of these offspring of Gaia born from the blood spilled during Ouranos’s castration. The Titanomachy preceded the war with these figures.
ANSWER: Giants [or Gigantes; accept Gigantomachy]
[10m] In the Dionysiaca, Porphyrion wages war on Dionysus after Gaia promises him the hand of this cupbearer of the gods. This goddess was born via parthenogenesis after Hera ate some lettuce.
ANSWER: Hebe (The poem in the lead-in is Claudian’s Gigantomachia.)
<KT, Beliefs>

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