
A rumor that this author drank red wine from a skull inspired a scene in which a caricature of this author “drank hot blood from the skull of his enemy.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this author, the basis for the gruesome title character of the novel Glenarvon. Glenarvon’s author, Caroline Lamb, called this man “mad, bad, and dangerous to know.”
ANSWER: Lord Byron [or George Gordon]
[10h] Glenarvon’s full name, along with several of Byron’s real-life traits, were borrowed by another author in creating this character, who kills Aubrey’s lover Ianthe, then marries and kills Aubrey’s sister.
ANSWER: Lord Ruthven [prompt on The Vampyre]
[10e] Lord Ruthven appears in John Polidori’s short story The Vampyre, which he modeled after a horror story that Byron composed during a “ghost writing contest” that also produced this Mary Shelley novel.
ANSWER: Frankenstein [or Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus]
<HG, British Literature>

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