2024 ACF Regionals at Imperial

Round 6: Imperial A vs. Warwick A

Imperial A


Justin Lee235
Michael Mays2115
Adam Jones01-5
Enoch Yuen5240
9 bonuses for 200 points (22.22 PPB)

Warwick A


Thomas Hart5050
Dillon Patel1010
Oscar Siddle3030
Conrad Freidson1010
10 bonuses for 200 points (20 PPB)

Justin LeeMichael MaysAdam JonesEnoch YuenBonusesTotalTUThomas HartDillon PatelOscar SiddleConrad FreidsonBonusesTotal
10 60101003010
-5 7125210 1380101030
-5 3020310 13310101070
10 7110101060470
10 41101010100570
10 7101010130670
130710 11501010100
-5 67125810 13401010130
-5 91120910 11010010160
-5 421151010 1380100180
10 831010014511180
1451210 6201010210
10 69010016513210
1651410 10310100240
1651510 8310100270
10 281001019516270
-5 7419017270
10 10810101023018270
10 1171001026019270
-5 762552010 13701010300
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text