
This equation states that a reaction’s rate constant is proportional to the transmission coefficient times temperature. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this equation that serves as the analog of the Arrhenius equation in transition state theory.
ANSWER: Eyring equation [or Eyring–Polanyi equation]
[10e] The Eyring equation replaces the activation energy exponential term in the Arrhenius equation with a version of this quantity “of activation.” The change in this quantity is negative for spontaneous reactions.
ANSWER: Gibbs free energy [or Gibbs free energy of activation; or delta G; or G double-dagger; or reaction energy; prompt on free energy; prompt on energy; prompt on total energy; prompt on potential energy]
[10h] Marcus theory calculates activation energy by adding this quantity to Gibbs free energy and dividing the sum by four times this quantity. The inner and outer sphere components of this quantity correspond to bond conformation changes and solvent polarization, respectively.
ANSWER: reorganization energy [or inner sphere reorganization energy; or outer sphere reorganization energy; or solvent reorganization energy]

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