
Followers of this religion venerate black snakes and place representations of them next to doorways. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this religion whose followers make pilgrimages to the holy city of Lalish. It holds that God brought life to earth through an emanation called Melek Taus (“tah-OOSE”), or the “peacock angel.”
ANSWER: Yazidism [or Yazidi religion; or Sharfadin; or Ezdiyati; prompt on Kurdish religion]
[10e] Yazidism holds that God appointed Melek Taus to lead this number of divine beings. This is also the number of holy sacraments in Catholicism.
ANSWER: seven [or heft; accept Heft Sirr; accept Seven Sacraments]
[10h] According to Yazidis, Melek Taus was the only one of the angels who refused to perform this action. According to Islam, Iblis was cast out of heaven and became Satan after refusing to perform this action.
ANSWER: bowing before Adam [or prostrating before Adam; prompt on bowing or prostrating by asking “bowing before whom?”; prompt on answers indicating showing humility by asking “by performing what physical action?”; prompt on kneeling]

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