
Poorly-controlled quarantines of these animals in the 1890s led to large-scale anti-government demonstrations among the Tswana and Boers (“boors”), such as the Langeberg Rebellion. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these animals whose African populations were decimated by an 1890s rinderpest epizootic (“epi-zo-otic”), decades after the Xhosa (“KLOH-suh”) priestess Nongqawuse (“nong-TAH-woo-say”) ordered their killing. The Sotho (“SOO-too”) herded these animals in kraals.
ANSWER: cattle [accept cows or oxen or bulls; accept beeste or koeie or vee; accept dikgomo; accept iinkomo]
[10h] Discontent over rinderpest-infected cattle led to the first of these Shona “struggles,” which coincided with the Second Matabele (“mah-tah-BAY-lay”) War. The second of these events, the Rhodesian Bush War, names a popular music genre.
ANSWER: chimurengas [or zvimurenga; accept First Chimurenga or Second Chimurenga; accept chimurenga music; accept umvukela or abavukela]
[10m] The rinderpest epizootic weakened the forces of Hendrik Witbooi (“VUT-boy”), setting the stage for this first genocide of the 20th century. Germans under Lothar von Trotha carried out this genocide of two ethnic groups in modern-day Namibia.
ANSWER: Herero and Namaqua genocide [or Völkermord an den Herero und Nama; accept Ovaherero for “Herero”; prompt on Herero genocide or Namaqua genocide; prompt on Khoekhoe for “Nama”] (Among other disastrous impacts, the 1890s rinderpest epizootic is also linked to the deaths of two-thirds of the Maasai and the spread of the tsetse fly.)
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