2023 ACF Winter at Columbia

Round 8: Princeton A vs. Rutgers A

Rutgers A


Aiden Dartley06060
Aum Mundhe07070
Lexi Terman04040
17 bonuses for 360 points (21.18 PPB)

Princeton A


Dylan Epstein-Gross01010
Jake Grodner01010
Austin Guo0115
Carter McLean0000
3 bonuses for 50 points (16.67 PPB)

Aiden DartleyAum MundheLexi TermanBonusesTotalTUDylan Epstein-GrossJake GrodnerAustin GuoCarter McLeanBonusesTotal
10 921010104010
10 56100107020
70310 64010020
10 9601010100420
10 12001010130520
130610 631010050
10 11110010160750
10 9801010190850
10 59101010230950
10 661010102701050
10 92010103001150
10 103010103301250
10 1131001036013-5 6045
10 7601003801445
10 521010104201545
10 61101004501645
10 68101004801745
4801810 921001075
10 8910005001975
10 65101005302075
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text