The Yiddish tkhines (“t’HEE-ness”) prayers were written specifically for these people. According to the Talmud, these people are given an extra measure of binah (“bee-NAH”), or inherent wisdom, which is contrasted with chokhmah (“hohkh-MAH”). Two organizations named for these people “of the wall” and “for the wall” differ in their opinion on how these people should pray at the Western Wall. These people carry out almost all negative mitzvot but are generally exempt from time-bound positive mitzvot. These people may immerse themselves in a mikveh after they become niddah (“nee-DAH”), or impure. Orthodox tradition requires these people to follow the laws of tzniut (“ts’nee-OOT”) by wearing a sheitel (“SHY-tull”), a type of wig. These people were first allowed to count in a minyan or serve as rabbis in Reform Judaism. For 10 points, name these people whose coming of age is celebrated at a bat mitzvah. ■END■
ANSWER: Jewish women [or isha; or nashim; or neshot; accept niddah until read; accept Women of the Wall or Neshot HaKotel; accept Women for the Wall or Nashim Leman HaKotel]
= Average correct buzz position