
Due to its similarity to the word for “rainbow,” some Jewish children play with bows and arrows on a minor holiday known as the “Lag” (“log”), or 33rd day, of this period. For 10 points each:
[10m] What seven-week period is named for the “counting of” a unit of volume often used to measure wheat?
ANSWER: omer (“OH-mair”) [or Counting of the Omer; or Sefirat HaOmer; accept Lag BaOmer or Lag B’Omer]
[10e] The omer offering occurs on the second day of this holiday, when the Counting of the Omer begins. Stories from the Book of Exodus are read from the Haggadah at the beginning of this holiday.
ANSWER: Passover [or Pesach; accept Passover Seder]
[10h] Pilgrims often travel to the tomb of this figure to light bonfires on Lag BaOmer (“log buh-OH-mair”), the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer. Three-year-old Hasidic Jews are encouraged to receive their upsherin (“up-SHAIR-in”), or first haircut, at this figure’s tomb on Mount Meron.
ANSWER: Shimon bar Yochai (“shee-MOAN bar yo-high”) [or Shimon bar Yochai; or Shimon ben Yochai; or Simeon bar Yochai; or Rashbi; accept Kever Rashbi; prompt on Yochai]
<AK, Religion>

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