
A bad time working for a director with this first name on the film Navajo Joe led Burt Reynolds to dub that director “the wrong” one with this first name. For 10 points each:
[10e] Ennio Morricone composed the scores for The Big Gundown, Django, and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, which were all Spaghetti westerns directed by Italians who share what first name?
ANSWER: Sergio [or Sergio Sollima; or Sergio Corbucci; or Sergio Leone]
[10m] A bleak 1968 “snow western” by Sergio Corbucci follows an outlaw named for this concept. In a Martin Scorsese film titled for this concept, a Portuguese priest sees an apparition of El Greco’s portrait of Christ.
ANSWER: silence [or silenzio; accept The Great Silence or Il grande silenzio]
[10h] Corbucci’s assistant on Django, Ruggero Deodato, was arrested on obscenity charges for directing this film associated with the mondo genre. Real animals were slaughtered for this gory 1980 film about the search for a documentary crew in the Amazon.
ANSWER: Cannibal Holocaust
<AP, Other Fine Arts>

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