
These proteins normally cannot be used in anoxic environments because the tyrosine in their S-Y-G triad must be oxidized in order for them to be active. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this class of beta barrel-containing proteins that are often used in cellular localization experiments. Most naturally occuring versions of these proteins were discovered within class Anthozoa.
ANSWER: fluorescent proteins [or FPs; accept specific types/colors of fluorescent proteins such as green fluorescent protein or GFP; prompt on fluorophores]
[10h] A few fluorescent proteins are activated at a time to achieve super-resolution in this technique. This technique differs from StORM in that it causes permanent photobleaching rather than “blinking.”
ANSWER: PALM [or photo-activated localization microscopy; prompt on microscopy; prompt on fluorescence microscopy]
[10e] Studying localization within this organelle can be difficult because adding GFP to proteins makes it harder to fit through this organelle’s pore complexes. This organelle contains the cell’s DNA and replication machinery.
ANSWER: nucleus [accept nuclear pore complexes]

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