
Answer the following about games you might play in a behavioral economics lab, for 10 points each.
[10h] In this game, a sender given a sum of money decides how much money to split with a receiver, who must accept whatever is given. Experimental results find that on average, the sender splits one-quarter with the receiver despite it being economically irrational.
ANSWER: dictator game [reject “ultimatum game”]
[10m] To elicit altruistic behavior, this game asks each of a group of two or more subjects how many tokens to contribute to a pool. This game is named after a type of economic good that is non-rival and non-excludable.
ANSWER: public goods game [or public good; accept give-some dilemma]
[10e] A common game imitates a hypothetical “dilemma” faced by this type of person, who must choose between cooperating and defecting according to a thought experiment proposed by Albert Tucker.
ANSWER: prisoner [accept prisoner’s dilemma]
<Social Science>

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Oxford BCambridge C0101020
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Imperial BKiel0101020