
This city’s night sky was described by James Parton as “hell with the lid off.” This city’s mayor Richard Caliguiri led it through a “Renaissance II” period of economic diversification in the 1980s, prompted by the decline of factories such as Edgar Thomson. This city was home to the legendary seven-foot-tall Croatian worker Joe Magarac. In a (emphasize) suburb of this city, Hugh O’Donnell led workers who shot leftover fireworks at a flotilla of landing barges, but governor Robert Pattison’s militia later broke up their strike. Today, this city’s Technology Center and SouthSide Works complexes are atop the sites of old Jones and Laughlin (“LOFF-lin”) factories. During a strike near this city, Alexander Berkman tried to (10[1])stab Henry Clay (10[1])Frick. For 10 points, the Homestead strike was near what city, home to (10[1])Carnegie Steel and many other steel companies? ■END■

ANSWER: Pittsburgh [prompt on Homestead by asking “Homestead is a suburb of what city?”]
<American History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Yared TadesseCornell ACornell B11410
Julian BushlowCornell CRIT A11710
Matthew ChristianBinghamtonRIT B13010