
A two-way distinction in this domain was first introduced by Elvin Tulving, which he linked to humans uniquely possessing autonoetic (“auto-no-ET-ick”) consciousness. Experimental subjects who offer a “critical word” will experience an error in this domain according to a paradigm named after Deese, Roediger, and McDermott. “Verbatim” and “gist” processes govern this domain according to fuzzy-trace theory. Wars over this domain title a book by Frederick Crews that criticizes a now-debunked “recovery” therapy method. As an undergrad, Jim Coan investigated this domain using a story about his brother being (10[1])“lost in the mall” under supervisor Elizabeth (10[1])Loftus. For 10 points, the formula “seven plus-or-minus two” is often used to summarize the capacity of the short-term form (10[1])of what domain? ■END■

ANSWER: memory [accept remembering or recollection; accept episodic memory; accept semantic memory; accept short-term memory; accept working memory; accept long-term memory; accept memory error; accept The Memory Wars; accept recovered-memory therapy]
<Social Science>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Matthew ChristianBinghamtonRIT B8710
Yared TadesseCornell ACornell B9410
Will HooverRIT ACornell C11410