
This city’s night sky was described by James Parton as “hell with the lid off.” This city’s mayor Richard Caliguiri led it through a “Renaissance II” period of economic diversification in the 1980s, prompted by the decline of factories such as Edgar Thomson. This city was home to the legendary seven-foot-tall Croatian worker Joe Magarac. In a (emphasize) suburb of this city, Hugh O’Donnell led workers who shot leftover fireworks at a flotilla of landing (10[2])barges, but (10[1])governor Robert Pattison’s militia later broke up their strike. Today, this city’s Technology Center and SouthSide Works (-5[1])complexes are atop the sites of old (-5[1])Jones and Laughlin (“LOFF-lin”) factories. During a strike near this city, Alexander Berkman tried to stab Henry Clay Frick. For 10 points, the Homestead strike was near what city, home to Carnegie Steel and many (10[1])other steel companies? (10[1]0[1])■END■

ANSWER: Pittsburgh [prompt on Homestead by asking “Homestead is a suburb of what city?”]
<American History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Truman FillbrandtUW ATexas A&M B7410
Roan DowlingIowa ARice A7410
Dean Ah NowClaremont AUBC A7610
Chinmay MurthyTexas ASorbonne93-5
Tony LiangTexas A&M AIowa B100-5
Aswath KaraiMichigan State AAppalachian State13410
Anwitha VempaliIowa BTexas A&M A1370
Cormac BeirneSorbonneTexas A13710