
William Halsted developed a debilitating cocaine habit in his quest to find analgesics for the patients that he subjected to this surgery. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this surgery, often justified by Halsted’s bogus “centrifugal spiral” theory of lymphatic spread. This surgery nearly always caused disfigurement and severe lymphedema.
ANSWER: radical mastectomy [prompt on mastectomy]
[10m] Many of Halsted’s cocaine-fueled radical mastectomies were performed around the turn of the century in this city, where he worked with fellow physician William Osler to establish the first formal residency program.
ANSWER: Baltimore
[10e] Half a century after Halsted’s tenure at Johns Hopkins, this woman’s cervical cancer was treated with radium at the hospital. Biologist George Gey used her cancer tissue to produce the first immortal cell line without her knowledge.
ANSWER: Henrietta Lacks [or Loretta Pleasant]
<Itamar Naveh-Benjamin, Biology>

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