
Anton Shammas translated many novels by his friend Emile Habbibi, such as The Secret Life of Saeed the Pessoptimist, into this language. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this language in which Amos Oz wrote A Tale of Love and Darkness.
ANSWER: Hebrew [or Ivrit]
[10h] Shammas broke ground as a Palestinian author by writing a memoiristic, Hebrew-language novel with this title. “Nevsky Prospekt” appeared in a Gogol collection of this name that also includes assorted musings on art.
ANSWER: Arabesques [or Arabeskot or Arabeski]
[10m] Two answers required. Shammas’s novel Arabesques is often described as an example of “minor literature” in a major language, a concept defined by these two writers in a book that analyzes Kafka as a German-speaking Bohemian Jew.
ANSWER: Gilles Deleuze AND Félix Guattari [accept Gilles Louis René Deleuze in place of “Gilles Deleuze”; accept Pierre-Félix Guattari in place of “Félix Guattari”]
<Arya Karthik, World Literature>

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