nats is supposed to mean you all have gone soft

Adam Silverman, Victor Pavao, Michael Kearney, Caroline Mao

Arts - Music512.0080%40%0%
Arts - Other Arts320.00100%100%0%
Arts - Painting615.0083%50%17%
Beliefs - Religion110.00100%0%0%
History - American120.00100%100%0%
History - American History815.0075%50%25%
History - European717.1486%57%29%
History - Other History613.3367%67%0%
History - World310.0067%33%0%
History - World History817.5050%88%38%
Literature - American Lit320.00100%67%33%
Literature - British Lit518.00100%80%0%
Literature - European Lit621.6783%50%83%
Literature - World Lit618.33100%83%0%
Other - Geo/CE712.8671%43%14%
Other - Other Academic120.00100%100%0%
Other - Pop Culture120.00100%100%0%
Other Academic618.33100%33%50%
Pop Culture516.0080%60%20%
Science - Biology717.14100%43%29%
Science - Chemistry316.67100%67%0%
Science - Engineering316.67100%67%0%
Science - Other Science915.56100%33%22%
Science - Physics516.0080%60%20%
Thought - Philosophy512.0080%20%20%
Thought - Social Science512.0060%40%20%