
A 6th-century text on this field distinguishes between a process “for the other” versus one “for the self,” the latter of which must use the joining word called a linga. The Svatantrika–Prasaṅgika distinction concerns the application of methods in this field. (-5[1])The trairūpya were applied to this field in a foundational text on it, Dignaga’s Hetucakra. In Buddhist tradition, this field is called hetu-vidya and is used in tandem with pramāṇa-vāda, roughly equivalent to Western (*) epistemology. A Jain innovation in this field that makes use of the term syat, or “arguably,” involves the deployment of seven distinct predicates. (10[2])This (10[1])field includes (-5[1])a tetralemma (10[2])with the values of “X and not X” and “neither X (10[1])nor not X.” For 10 points, Buddhist and Hindu thinkers developed forms of deduction and induction when studying (10[1])what field? (10[2])■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: logic [or reasoning; accept induction or deduction before mentioned; or logico-epistemology; prompt on epistemology until mentioned]
<Taylor Harvey, Philosophy>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 Penn Bowl (Harvard)10/21/2023Y3100%0%33%121.67
2023 Penn Bowl (Mainsite)10/21/2023Y7100%0%14%110.71
2023 Penn Bowl @ Waterloo10/28/2023N4100%0%75%128.25
2023 Penn Bowl @ FSU10/28/2023N1100%0%0%96.00
2023 Penn Bowl (Norcal)10/28/2023N2100%0%50%120.00
2023 Penn Bowl (South Central)10/28/2023N3100%0%0%119.33
2023 Penn Bowl (UK)10/28/2023N5100%0%20%111.20
2023 Penn Bowl @ UNC10/28/2023N3100%0%0%107.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Raymond WangCornell AUMD A40-5
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay ANYU9710
Aum MundheRutgersSwarthmore9710
Nathan SheffieldMITHarvard9810
Jason HongBrownBrandeis100-5
Nathan ZhangCornell BColumbia A10210
Cade ReinbergerRITUMD B10210
Sinecio MoralesjhuCOlumbia B11310
Samuel WangPittJHU B13110
Eli IssoksonBrandeisBrown13310
Caleb KendrickUMD ACornell A13310
Vedant ModiTuftsBoston College13410