
This genre and the ricercar were among Claudio Merulo’s significant innovations to transition keyboard music away from imitation of vocal styles. A composer’s note at the end of a piece in this genre reads “not without toil will you reach the end,” which was included in the second of two books of these non-partita pieces by Girolamo Frescobaldi. (15[1])A piece in this genre (15[1])unusually (15[1])scored for trumpets opens Monteverdi’s opera (*) L’Orfeo. A mordent on A (10[1]-5[1])followed by a (10[1])descending D minor scale opens an (10[1])organ piece (10[1])in this genre (10[1])that was arranged for (10[1])orchestra by Leopold Stokowski to open Disney’s Fantasia. (10[1]-5[1])For 10 points, (10[1]-5[1])name this genre whose name derives from the Italian for “touch” (10[2])and is paired (10[1])with (10[1])a fugue (10[3])in a famous (10[2])D (10[1])minor piece (10[2])by Bach. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: toccata [prompt on Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BVW 565 until “fugue” is read]
<EG, Auditory Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech B5715
CaseyKenyon BMichigan B6215
Jack ObermanSouth Carolina ANC State6315
Jeffery XuGeorgia Tech CEmory A7410
Sam FooCambridge AWarwick74-5
Daniel MaFarrellmagnetismZen and the Art of Buzzing7710
Michael KohnDurhamImperial B8310
Michael MaysImperial ACambridge B8510
Ben Russell JonesEdinburghBirmingham8810
Ariel FaederMSU A and FriendGanon Evans Fan Club9210
Bob FreedmanGeorgia AGeorgia Tech A100-5
Thomas HartWarwickCambridge A10010
Elizabeth JewlalJohns HopkinsMaryland A10310
Calvin BostlemanOhio State A Michigan A 103-5
Addie KingJames Madison ANorth Carolina A11410
Wyatt RoderGeorgetownMaryland B11410
Jisoo YooTexas ATAMU11710
Aditya SharmaDukeSouth Carolina B11810
Bryce KlineJames Madison BNorth Carolina B12010
Eileen PengOxfordBristol12010
Pablo LloydHCCTAG Magnet: Taylor's Version12010
Ethan CohenGeorge Washington AGeorge Washington B12310
Noah DeanKenyon A Ohio State B12310
James StevensonMichigan A Ohio State A 12410
William BarnesTennessee AGeorgia B12610
Kion YouTexas CTexas B12610
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech AGeorgia A12910
Stefan Stealey-EuchnerArizona StateBoston College12910