
This genre and the ricercar were among Claudio Merulo’s significant innovations to transition keyboard music away from imitation of vocal styles. A composer’s note at the end of a piece in this genre reads “not without toil will you reach the end,” which was included in the second of two books of these non-partita pieces by Girolamo Frescobaldi. A piece in this genre unusually scored for trumpets opens Monteverdi’s opera (*) L’Orfeo. A mordent on A followed by a descending D minor scale opens an organ piece in this genre that was arranged for orchestra by Leopold Stokowski to open Disney’s Fantasia. For 10 points, name this genre whose name derives from the Italian for “touch” and is paired (10[1])with a fugue (10[1])in a famous D minor piece (10[1])by Bach. ■END■

ANSWER: toccata [prompt on Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BVW 565 until “fugue” is read]
<EG, Auditory Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jisoo YooTexas ATAMU11710
Pablo LloydHCCTAG Magnet: Taylor's Version12010
Kion YouTexas CTexas B12610


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