
Note to moderator: read answerline carefully. One of these events concluded with the ascetic Koṇḍañña becoming the first stream-enterer. Because he was not physically present (15[1])for some of these events, Ānanda originated the formulaic phrase “thus have I heard” at later retellings. (15[2])The Dhamek Stupa (15[1])commemorates the site of one of these events, (15[1])which was also celebrated by Ashoka’s Lion Capital. Another of these events (-5[1])opened with the proclamation that “all is burning.” (15[2])(*) Mahākāshyapa (10[2])smiled after the central figure of one of these events silently held up a flower. (10[2])The second of these events promulgated the “no-soul doctrine” or anattā. The first of these events occurred at Deer Park in Sārnāth, (10[1])where teachings (-5[1])about escaping dukkha “set in motion” the wheel of Dharma. (10[1])For 10 points, name these events, during which a religious leader enumerated teachings such as the (-5[1])Four Noble Truths. ■END■ (10[3])

ANSWER: sermons of the Buddha [or discourses of the Buddha; or speeches of the Buddha; accept specific sermons like the First or Third Sermon of the Buddha; accept either underlined portion of Siddhārtha Gautama in place of “Buddha”; accept Shākyamuni in place of “Buddha”; prompt on sutta or sutra with “what event is recorded?”; prompt on Flower Sermon or Fire Sermon by asking “who gave it?”]
<AY, Beliefs>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Will AlstonSGV CapitalI will play anything with a buzzer in front of me2415
Michał GerasimiukStanford ABerkeley C4115
John MarvinChicago AIndiana4115
Andrew WangIllinois APurdue B4415
Shardul ParthasarathyIllinois BPurdue A5215
Nathan ZhangCornell MATLABSyracuse+Rochester64-5
Raymond WangCornell RRIT7215
Gabe ForrestSquidward Community CollegeWUSTL XYZ7215
Ryan SunBerkeley BBerkeley A7310
Mattias EhatammWaterlooMcDouble West-Carleton7310
Gideon KpurubuVanderbiltNotre Dame A8810
Braden BoothMissouri ASIUE8810
Cyrus ZhouWUSTL H2OMissouri B11010
Christopher JosephNotre Dame BChicago B112-5
Aedan CooperOttawa COttawa A12210
Joey SunToronto Ray of Sun in the SkyOttawa B138-5
Stuart Chandler-BaasOttawa BToronto Ray of Sun in the Sky14210
William HoustonChicago BNotre Dame B14210
Sanjeev UppaluriSyracuse+RochesterCornell MATLAB14210