
Note to moderator: Tead answerline carefully. One of these events concluded with the ascetic Koṇḍañña becoming the first stream-enterer. Because he was not physically present for some of these events, Ānanda originated the formulaic phrase “thus have I heard” at later retellings. (15[1])The Dhamek Stupa commemorates the site of one of these events, which was also celebrated by Ashoka’s Lion Capital. Another of these events opened with the proclamation that “all is burning.” (15[1])(*) Mahākāshyapa smiled after the central figure of one of these events silently held up a flower. The second of these events promulgated the “no-soul doctrine” or anattā. The first of these events occurred at Deer Park in Sārnāth, where teachings about escaping dukkha “set in motion” the wheel of Dharma. (10[1])For 10 points, name these events, during which a religious leader (-5[1])enumerated teachings such as the Four Noble Truths. (10[1])■END■ (0[1])

ANSWER: sermons of the Buddha [or discourses of the Buddha; or speeches of the Buddha; accept specific sermons like the First or Third Sermon of the Buddha; accept either underlined portion of Siddhārtha Gautama in place of “Buddha”; accept Shākyamuni in place of “Buddha”; prompt on sutta or sutra by asking “what event is recorded?”; prompt on Flower Sermon or Fire Sermon by asking “who gave it?”]
<AY, Beliefs>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Oliver HargraveOxfordWarwick4115
Liam GaineBirminghamBristol7215
Michael KohnDurhamEdinburgh12210
Taiga ClarkeImperial BImperial A133-5
Agnijo BanerjeeCambridge ACambridge B14110
Justin LeeImperial AImperial B1420


2023 ARCADIA at DukeEmory, Duke, YaleY3100%0%0%129.00
2023 ARCADIA at EmoryEmory, Duke, YaleY4100%25%0%102.00
2023 ARCADIA at ImperialImperialY580%40%20%94.00
2023 ARCADIA at Ohio StateOhio State, TexasY3100%33%0%94.33
2023 ARCADIA at TexasOhio State, TexasY3100%0%33%108.33