
Rat CA3 cells were infected to express a fusion protein consisting of YFP and one of these proteins in a 2005 paper by the Deisseroth group. (15[1])The first chapter of William Bialek’s Biophysics describes how certain cells can act as perfect counters due to the femtosecond excited-state interconversion of these proteins. The duplication of LWS, one of these proteins, gave primates the ability to ascertain ripeness. The binding of arrestin-1 inhibits one of these proteins, (15[1]-5[3])which activates (-5[1])(*) transducin in a pathway in which a phosphodiesterase (10[1])cleaves cGMP. (-5[1])Neurons expressing ChR2, one of these proteins, are selectively activated by lasers in a common (10[1])optogenetic procedure. These GPCRs bind to the pigmented 11-cis-retinal, (-5[1])a Vitamin (10[1])A-derived molecule (10[1])that isomerizes after absorbing light. (-5[1])For 10 points, name these photoreceptors, (-5[1])one of which is encoded by the RHO gene. ■END■ (10[4]0[2])

ANSWER: opsins [accept rhodopsin; accept channelrhodopsin; accept photopsin; accept scotopsin; accept long wavelength-sensitive opsin; prompt on G-protein coupled receptors or GPCRs until “GPCRs” is read]
<VD, Biology>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Michał GerasimiukStanford ABerkeley C2515
Swapnil GargBerkeley ABerkeley B74-5
Andrew WangIllinois AChicago B74-5
Zach JosephNotre Dame ANotre Dame B7415
Darryl WangSyracuse+RochesterCornell MATLAB74-5
Kane NguyenMcDouble West CarletonOttawa B76-5
Matt SchiavonePurdue AIndiana8410
Ahmad ElrakhawiRITCornell R86-5
Collin NadarajahWUSTL XYZSIUE10110
Adrian WongOttawa AToronto Ray Of Sun In The Sky110-5
Jonathan HaimowitzAuxiliary Lofthouse Cookie UniversityI will play anything with a buzzer in front of me11210
Cyrus ZhouWUSTL H2OMissouri A11410
Gowthamm MandalaPurdue BVanderbilt119-5
Ian TheysmeyerOttawa CWaterloo125-5
Rohan ShelkeBerkeley BBerkeley A13510
Raymond ChenToronto Ray Of Sun In The SkyOttawa A13510
Aidan FeinVanderbiltPurdue B13510
Richard NiuCornell RRIT13510
Dede BinkhoelterMissouri BSquidward Community College1350
Kylan PowellSquidward Community CollegeMissouri B1350