
These quantities are replaced by closed line integrals of these quantities in a transformation that maps elliptical orbits onto straight-line trajectories. For a charged particle in a magnetic field, this quantity is modified by a term equal to the charge times the vector potential. The kinematic viscosity can be regarded as a diffusion coefficient for this quantity. If q is a cyclic coordinate, (15[1])then its corresponding one of these quantities (15[1])will be (*) conserved. These quantities and the generalized positions are the (10[1])coordinates of phase space, (10[1])and are the variables in Hamilton’s equations. As an example of Noether’s theorem, translational symmetry leads to the conservation of this quantity. Kinetic energy is equal to this (10[1])quantity squared divided (10[1])by 2m. (0[1]-5[1])For 10 points, name this quantity equal to mass (-5[1])times velocity. ■END■ (0[1])

ANSWER: momentum [accept conjugate momentum or generalized momentum or canonical momentum; accept linear momentum; reject “angular momentum”]
<VD, Physics>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Leo LawFarrellmagnetismGanon Evans Fan Club6215
Swapnil GargBerkeley AStanford A6915
Rohan DalalGeorgia Tech CGeorgia Tech B8010
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech A8410
Jack ObermanSouth Carolina ANorth Carolina B11210
Richard NiuCornell RCornell MATLAB11510
Martin BrandenburgGeorgia BGeorgia A117-5
Jon GolanGeorgia AGeorgia B1170
Alexander WyrickTennessee AEmory A126-5
Luke ZhangEmory ATennessee A1290


2023 ARCADIA at DukeEmory, Duke, YaleY1100%0%0%112.00
2023 ARCADIA at EmoryEmory, Duke, YaleY450%0%50%82.00
2023 ARCADIA OnlineMaryland, OnlineY1100%100%0%62.00
2023 ARCADIA at UC BerkeleyPremiereY1100%100%0%69.00
2023 ARCADIA at RITPremiereY1100%0%0%115.00