
Beta-agostic interactions can promote one type of these reactions in catalytic hydrogenation reactions. Xanthate pyrolysis is practically irreversible thanks to the formation of stable carbonyl sulfide and thiol byproducts in a reaction of this type. Amines can be removed through exhaustive methylation followed by treatment with silver oxide in a reaction of this type named for (*) Hofmann. (10[2]-5[1])For bimolecular (10[1])reactions (10[2])of this (10[1])type, an anti-periplanar arrangement of atoms is required. The unimolecular form of this reaction has the same intermediates (10[1]-5[1])as an SN1 reaction, so its products compete with substitution products. For 10 points, name these reactions that can form pi bonds through E2 (-5[1])or E1 (-5[1])mechanisms. ■END■ (10[1]0[4])

ANSWER: elimination [accept beta-hydride elimination or reductive elimination or Chugaev elimination; accept E2 until read; accept E1 until read]
<JZ, Chemistry>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Khushi UmarwadiaSouth Carolina ANorth Carolina B5610
Yashwanth BajjiMichigan A Michigan B 56-5
Dimitris KalafatisTAMUTAG Magnet: Taylor's Version5610
Aswath KaraiMSU A and FriendArizona State5810
Coby TranGanon Evans Fan ClubFarrellmagnetism5910
Ryan HumphreyTexas ATexas C5910
Viraj NegandhiTexas BHCC6110
Rohan DalalGeorgia Tech CGeorgia A79-5
CalvinOhio State AKenyon A7910
JacobTeam 2Kenyon B103-5
Aditya SharmaDukeJames Madison A105-5
Jon GolanGeorgia AGeorgia Tech C1070
Tarun KotiEmory AGeorgia Tech B10710
Dennis YangMichigan B Michigan A 1070
James MangravitiBoston CollegeZen and the Art of Buzzing1070
Anh Khoa TranZen and the Art of BuzzingBoston College1070
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech DGeorgia B11110